Suppress Appetite Naturally
Controlling your daily calorific intake or calorie consumption is the most obvious way to take control of your weight and reduce excess body fat.
Obvious may well be the case – but in the main, it is executed very poorly.
Using an appetite suppressant is generally regarded to be one of the most effective methods of reducing daily calorie consumption.
The biggest benefit to reducing your daily calorific intake is a reduction of excess body fat. Reduce the size of your food portions and lengthen the time between meals and your bathroom scales will make for better viewing.
Average Daily Calorie Consumption
The suggest and daily recommended calorie intake for males is around 2200 with females averaging just 1800 – although body mass, physique and other attributes have to be taken into consideration.
Weight loss and fat loss often gets misinterpreted – they are in the sames realms of genre but specifically weight loss is the reduction of body weight that is often temporary through getting rid of excess water, whereas fat loss is the reduction of actual body fat which is more permanent.
How To Suppress Appetite
There is one ideology that suggests living on the border of hunger does not only significantly reduce daily calorie consumption but increase life expectancy.
Without probing to deeply into this thesis, spending days or weeks with a feeling of hunger is not the most sensible thing to do.
Rather than live on the border of hunger a better solution is to slowly take control of it.
Appetite suppressants are possibly the oldest and most tried and tested technique focused around training your body to expect, want and need less food.
One of the oldest natural substances known in existence used for suppressing appetite is Hoodia Gordonii – a cactus like plant. This plant grows in inhospitable desert like conditions of the Kalahari, South Africa.
Hoodia has hundreds of years of usage dating back centuries if not millenniums – natives of the Kalahari region would take powder from the Hoodia plant and eat to prevent hunger pangs while on long hunting trips while food was scarce.
Although these origins were not originally focused on preventing obesity, quite the opposite – the western world has over the decade relied on Hoodia to curb its spiralling obesity crises.
Hoodia And The BBC
Arguably, it was the BBC that introduced the benefits of Hoodia to the civilized world – a decade on and man has yet to discover a more potent substance for suppressing appetite.
Tom Mangold – a correspondent at the time ran a story that suggested that Hoodia Gordonni could help in some way to tackle the western worlds obesity pandemic. The story spread from news agency to news agency and country to country.
A Decade on and Hoodia is now the most widely used and controversial weight loss product in existence.
More about Hoodia Gordonii