Why We Become Fat
We become fat when the amount of calorie intake exceeds the amount of energy our body uses. An individual is given the tag of a ‘fat person’ when his/her body weight is more for according to the sex, age, and height. We become fat when the water, bone, muscle and fat together increases the resultant weight of the body.
Some of us are genetically cursed and become fact owing to hereditary factors. The members of a family often have a similar lifestyle, exercise regime, and diet. This can increase the body weight of all the family members.
Environment also plays a role in gaining weight. The social life of an individual can make him/her fat if he/she attends too many dinner parties. The professional life can also compel an individual to have greater amount of calorie rich food. Cultural and recreational eating habits too contribute in making us fat.
Snacking between meals can make an individual gain weight easily. Some of us often resort to fast food due to lack of time or opportunity to have home-cooked healthy food. Our body has a maintenance point by which the body controls the body weight.
The maintenance point depends on the level of activity, age, body composition, height, weight, and sex of individual. When this balance is disturbed, we tend to become fat.
When we gain a pound, it does not necessarily transform into a pound of fat in the body. This may change into muscle composition, which weighs more but takes less space. The left over calories get stored and make us fat.
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