Apple Slim Extra Review
AppleSlim Xtra is predominantly found in selected Holland and Barrett stores.
It is a natural weight loss capsule that can suppress appetite, reduce the snack between meals and also ease digestion.
Appetite suppressants (suppressing the appetite) is largely considered to be one of the best and safest methods of weight loss.
Stopping food cravings and prevention of the need to snack between meals can dramatically reduce daily calorie consumption.
The average woman, it is estimated needs only 1800 per day to function healthily with 2200 needed to keep a man in peak condition.
Naturally Suppress Your Appetite
However, there is not an awful of information surrounding Appleslim to explain just how it is supposed to suppress appetite and ease digestion.
Included Ingredients – Whats In It
Appleslim contains the active ingredients apple vinegar and B vitamins as well as the following:
Maltodextrin, vegetable oil, gelatine, lecathin, glycerol, sorbitol, apple vinegar, vitamin E (as dl-alpha-tocopherol), vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine), thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), folic acid, vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamine) colour (natural): iron oxide, titanium dioxide.
How Does It Work
Again, an explanation is sadly missing.
Appleslim Side Effects
Should not cause any side effects minor or severe if taken as suggested.
Is Appleslim Recommended, Is It Worth Buying
Very difficult to recommend without much in way in user success stories, testimonials or consumer comments.
Where To Buy Appleslim Xtra
In store at selected Holland & Barrett branches.
Alternative Appetite Suppressants
It is hard to ignore Hoodia Gordonii.
Hoodia has possibly the most clinical evidence attached it – it has been used for over a decade to reduce daily calorie consumption.
Hoodia is natural, side effects free and available without prescription.
More about Hoodia